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How to Dry Sheets on Your Deluxe Handy Line

Learn how to quickly and conveniently dry King and Queen sized sheets on Peggs portable clotheslines. Read our guide for U-Turn and Sling methods, as well as tips for optimizing drying with the Handy Line models.

Drying sheets can now be a breeze with a Peggs portable clothesline! Whether you have King or Queen sized sheets, it's easy to get your laundry dried quickly and conveniently. The Deluxe 8 Handy Line is perfect for drying double or queen-sized sheets, while the Deluxe 10 Handy Line is ideal for King-sized sheets.

Steps to Dry your Sheets (U-turn method):


When you have sheets to dry on your portable clothesline here's how to do it in a few easy steps:

  • Sheets should be folded in half (lengthwise from top to end of bed) on the Handy Line.
  • Peg the doubled over sheet along one line.
  • Bring the remainder of the sheet forward, then U-turn the sheet onto the next line and peg it down along the line.

Steps to Dry Your Sheets (Sling method):

When you have sheets to dry on your portable clothesline here's how to do it in a few easy steps:

  • Place folded sheet over two lines.
  • Peg one end of the sheet to a line and loop the remainder forward and up to the line in front (like a sling).

Optimising Laundry Drying with Peggs

When hanging laundry on a Peggs Handy Line (which can be used indoor and outdoor) portable clothesline, larger items such as bed sheets and towels should be hung on the inner lines of the clothesline, while smaller items like shirts and socks should be placed on the outer lines. This helps to prevent larger items from obstructing airflow, which can lead to quicker drying times for all types of laundry. Additionally, be sure to spread the items out evenly on the lines to ensure proper airflow and even drying for all of your garments. Having laundry items balanced on the portable clothesline means it's more stable with a full load of laundry, for more information on how to anchor your Peggs Handy line, see:

'How to Secure your Deluxe handy line'.

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